- SpecDataset.to_orcaflex(model, minEnergy=1e-06)#
Writes the spectrum to an Orcaflex model
Uses the orcaflex API (OrcFxAPI) to set the wave-data of the provided orcaflex model.
The axis system conversion used is:
Orcaflex global X = Towards East
Orcaflex global Y = Towards North
This function creates a wave-train for each of the directions in this spectrum using a user-defined spectrum.
Calculation of wave-components in orcaflex is computationally expensive. To save computational time:
Use the minEnergy parameter of this function to define a treshold for the amount of energy in a wave-train.
In orcaflex itself: limit the amount of wave-components.
Before exporting: regrid the spectrum to a lower amount of directions.
Orcaflex theory:
- Example:
>>> from OrcFxAPI import * >>> from wavespectra import read_triaxys >>> m = Model() >>> spectrum = read_triaxys("triaxys.DIRSPEC")).isel(time=0) # get only the fist spectrum in time >>> spectrum.spec.to_orcaflex(m)
- Args:
model : orcaflex model (OrcFxAPI.model instance).
minEnergy [1e-6] : threshold for minimum sum of energy in a direction before it is exported.
- Note:
an Orcaflex license is required to work with the orcaflex API.
Only 2D spectra \(E(f,d)\) are currently supported.
The DataArray should contain only a single spectrum. Hint: first_spetrum = spectra.isel(time=0).