Source code for wavespectra.specdataset

"""Wrapper around the xarray dataset."""
import types
import os
import re
import sys
import xarray as xr

from wavespectra.core.attributes import attrs
from import sel_idw, sel_nearest, sel_bbox
from wavespectra.specarray import SpecArray

here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

class Plugin(type):
    """Add all the export functions at class creation time."""

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        modules = [
            for fname in os.listdir(os.path.join(here, "output"))
            if fname.endswith(".py")
        for module in modules:
            for module_attr in dir(module):
                function = getattr(module, module_attr)
                if isinstance(function, types.FunctionType) and module_attr.startswith(
                    dct[function.__name__] = function
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

[docs] @xr.register_dataset_accessor("spec") class SpecDataset(metaclass=Plugin): """Extends xarray's Dataset to deal with wave spectra datasets. Plugin functions defined in wavespectra/output/<module> are attached as methods in this accessor class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, xarray_dset): self.dset = xarray_dset self._wrapper() self.supported_dims = [ attrs.TIMENAME, attrs.SITENAME, attrs.LATNAME, attrs.LONNAME, attrs.FREQNAME, attrs.DIRNAME, ]
def __getattr__(self, attr): return getattr(self.dset, attr) def __repr__(self): return re.sub(r"<.+>", f"<{self.__class__.__name__}>", str(self.dset)) def _wrapper(self): """Wraper around SpecArray methods. Allows calling public SpecArray methods from SpecDataset. For example: self.spec.hs() becomes equivalent to self.efth.spec.hs() """ for method_name in dir(self.dset[attrs.SPECNAME].spec): if not method_name.startswith("_"): method = getattr(self.dset[attrs.SPECNAME].spec, method_name) setattr(self, method_name, method) def _check_and_stack_dims(self): """Ensure dimensions are suitable for dumping in some ascii formats. Returns: Dataset object with site dimension and with no grid dimensions. Note: Grid is converted to site dimension which can be iterated over. Site is defined if not in dataset and not a grid. Dimensions are checked to ensure they are supported for dumping. """ dset = self.dset.copy(deep=True) unsupported_dims = set(dset[attrs.SPECNAME].dims) - set(self.supported_dims) if unsupported_dims: raise NotImplementedError( f"Dimensions {unsupported_dims} are not supported by " f"{sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name} method" ) # If grid reshape into site, if neither define fake site dimension if set(("lon", "lat")).issubset(dset.dims): dset = dset.stack(site=("lat", "lon")) elif "site" not in dset.dims: dset = dset.expand_dims("site") return dset
[docs] def sel( self, lons, lats, method="idw", tolerance=2.0, dset_lons=None, dset_lats=None, **kwargs ): """Select stations near or at locations defined by (lons, lats) vector. Args: - lons (list): Longitude values of locations to select. - lats (list): Latitude values of locations to select. - method (str): Method to use for inexact matches: * idw: Inverse distance weighting selection. * nearest: Nearest site selection. * bbox: Sites inside bbox [min(lons), min(lats)], [max(lons), max(lats)]. * None: Only exact matches. - tolerance (float): Maximum distance between locations and original stations for inexact matches. - dset_lons (array): Longitude of stations in dset, not required but could help improove speed. - dset_lats (array): Latitude of stations in dset, not required but could help improove speed. - kwargs: Extra keywargs to pass to the respective sel function (i.e., `sel_nearest`, `sel_idw`). Return: - dset (SpecDataset): Stations Dataset selected at locations defined by zip(lons, lats). Note: - `tolerance` behaves differently with methods 'idw' and 'nearest'. In 'idw' sites with no neighbours within `tolerance` are masked whereas in 'nearest' an exception is raised. - `dset_lons`, `dset_lats` are not required but can improve performance when `dset` is chunked with site=1 (expensive to access site coords) and improve precision if projected coors are provided at high latitudes. """ funcs = { "idw": sel_idw, "bbox": sel_bbox, "nearest": sel_nearest, None: sel_nearest, } try: func = funcs[method] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Method '{method}' not supported, valid ones are {list(funcs.keys())}" ) if method is None: kwargs.update({"exact": True}) # Providing station coordinates is a lot more efficient for chunked datasets if dset_lons is None: dset_lons = self.dset[attrs.LONNAME].values if dset_lats is None: dset_lats = self.dset[attrs.LATNAME].values dsout = func( dset=self.dset, lons=lons, lats=lats, tolerance=tolerance, dset_lons=dset_lons, dset_lats=dset_lats, **kwargs ) return dsout