Source code for wavespectra.specarray

"""Spectra object based on DataArray to calculate spectral statistics.

    - Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins (1956). The Statistical Distribution of the Maxima
      of a Random Function, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A,
      Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 237, 212-232.
    - Holthuijsen LH (2005). Waves in oceanic and coastal waters (page 82).
    - Longuet-Higgins (1975). On the joint distribution of the periods and amplitudes
      of sea waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, 80, 2688-2694.

import re
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from itertools import product
import inspect
import warnings

from wavespectra.core.attributes import attrs
from wavespectra.core.utils import D2R, R2D, celerity, wavenuma, wavelen, regrid_spec
from wavespectra.core import xrstats
from wavespectra.plot import polar_plot, CBAR_TICKS

from typing_extensions import deprecated

[docs] @xr.register_dataarray_accessor("spec") class SpecArray(object): """Extends DataArray with methods to deal with wave spectra."""
[docs] def __init__(self, xarray_obj): """Initialise spec accessor.""" self._obj = xarray_obj # These are set when property is first called to avoid computing more than once self._df = None self._dd = None self._dfarr = None
def __repr__(self): return re.sub(r"<([^\s]+)", "<%s" % (self.__class__.__name__), str(self._obj)) @property def freq(self): """Frequency DataArray.""" return self._obj.freq @property def dir(self): """Direction DataArray.""" if attrs.DIRNAME in self._obj.dims: return self._obj[attrs.DIRNAME] else: return None @property def _non_spec_dims(self): """Return the set of non-spectral dimensions in underlying dataset.""" return set(self._obj.dims).difference((attrs.FREQNAME, attrs.DIRNAME)) @property @deprecated("spec.dfarr will be removed in **4.0.0**, use spec.df instead") def dfarr(self): """Frequency resolution DataArray.""" if self._dfarr is not None: return self._dfarr if len(self.freq) > 1: fact = np.hstack((1.0, np.full(self.freq.size - 2, 0.5), 1.0)) ldif = np.hstack((0.0, np.diff(self.freq))) rdif = np.hstack((np.diff(self.freq), 0.0)) self._dfarr = xr.DataArray(data=fact * (ldif + rdif), coords=self.freq.coords) else: self._dfarr = xr.DataArray( data=np.array((1.0,)), coords=self.freq.coords) return self._dfarr @property @deprecated( "This method will return a DataArray instead of a numpy array in **4.0.0** " "and will replace spec.dfarr" ) def df(self): """Frequency resolution numpy array. TODO: Check if this can be removed in favor of dfarr. """ if self._df is not None: return self._df if len(self.freq) > 1: self._df = abs(self.freq[1:].values - self.freq[:-1].values) else: self._df = np.array((1.0,)) return self._df @property def dd(self): """Direction resolution float.""" if self._dd is not None: return self._dd if self.dir is not None and len(self.dir) > 1: self._dd = abs(float(self.dir[1] - self.dir[0])) else: self._dd = 1.0 return self._dd def _twod(self, darray, dim=attrs.DIRNAME): """Ensure dir,freq dims are present so moment calculations won't break.""" if dim not in darray.dims: return darray.expand_dims(dim={dim: [1]}, axis=-1) else: return darray def _interp_freq(self, fint): """Linearly interpolate spectra at frequency fint. Assumes self.freq.min() < fint < self.freq.max() Returns: DataArray with one value in frequency dimension (relative to fint) otherwise same dimensions as self._obj """ if not (self.freq.min() < fint < self.freq.max()): raise ValueError( f"fint must be within freq range {self.freq.values}, got {fint}" ) ifreq = self.freq.searchsorted(fint) df = np.diff(self.freq.isel(freq=[ifreq - 1, ifreq]))[0] right = self._obj.isel(freq=[ifreq]) * (fint - self.freq[ifreq - 1]) left = self._obj.isel(freq=[ifreq - 1]) * (self.freq[ifreq] - fint) right = right.assign_coords({"freq": [fint]}) left = left.assign_coords({"freq": [fint]}) return (left + right) / df def _peak(self, arr): """Returns indices of largest peaks along freq dim in a ND-array. Args: - arr (SpecArray): 1D spectra (integrated over directions) Returns: - ipeak (SpecArray): indices for slicing arr at the frequency peak Note: - Peak is defined IFF arr(ipeak-1) < arr(ipeak) < arr(ipeak+1). - Values at the array boundary do not satisfy above condition and treated as missing_value in other parts of the code. - Flat peaks are ignored by this criterium. """ fwd = xr.concat((arr.isel(freq=0), arr), dim=attrs.FREQNAME).diff( attrs.FREQNAME, n=1, label="upper" ) > 0 bwd = xr.concat((arr, arr.isel(freq=-1)), dim=attrs.FREQNAME).diff( attrs.FREQNAME, n=1, label="lower" ) < 0 ispeak = np.logical_and(fwd, bwd) return arr.where(ispeak, 0).argmax(dim=attrs.FREQNAME).astype(int) def _my_name(self): """Returns the caller's name.""" return inspect.stack()[1][3] def _standard_name(self, varname): try: return attrs.ATTRS[varname]["standard_name"] except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"Cannot set standard_name for variable {varname}. " "Ensure it is defined in attributes.yml" ) return "" def _units(self, varname): try: return attrs.ATTRS[varname]["units"] except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"Cannot set units for variable {varname}. " "Ensure it is defined in attributes.yml" ) return ""
[docs] def oned(self, skipna=True): """Returns the one-dimensional frequency spectra. Direction dimension is dropped after integrating. Args: - skipna (bool): choose it to skip nans when integrating spectra. This is the default behaviour for sum() in DataArray. Notice it converts masks, where the entire array is nan, into zero. """ if self.dir is not None: return self.dd * self._obj.sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME, skipna=skipna) else: return self._obj.copy(deep=True)
[docs] def split(self, fmin=None, fmax=None, dmin=None, dmax=None, rechunk=True): """Split spectra over freq and/or dir dims. Args: - fmin (float): lowest frequency to split spectra, by default the lowest. - fmax (float): highest frequency to split spectra, by default the highest. - dmin (float): lowest direction to split spectra at, by default min(dir). - dmax (float): highest direction to split spectra at, by default max(dir). - rechunk (bool): Rechunk split dims so there is one single chunk. Note: - Spectra are interpolated at `fmin` / `fmax` if they are not in self.freq. - Recommended rechunk==True so ufuncs with freq/dir as core dims will work. """ if fmax is not None and fmin is not None and fmax <= fmin: raise ValueError("fmax needs to be greater than fmin") if dmax is not None and dmin is not None and dmax <= dmin: raise ValueError("dmax needs to be greater than dmin") # Slice frequencies other = self._obj.sel(freq=slice(fmin, fmax)) # Slice directions if attrs.DIRNAME in other.dims and (dmin or dmax): other = self._obj.sortby([attrs.DIRNAME]).sel(dir=slice(dmin, dmax)) # Interpolate at fmin if fmin is not None and (other.freq.min() > fmin) and (self.freq.min() <= fmin): other = xr.concat([self._interp_freq(fmin), other], dim=attrs.FREQNAME) # Interpolate at fmax if fmax is not None and (other.freq.max() < fmax) and (self.freq.max() >= fmax): other = xr.concat([other, self._interp_freq(fmax)], dim=attrs.FREQNAME) other.freq.attrs = self._obj.freq.attrs other.dir.attrs = self._obj.dir.attrs if rechunk: other = other.chunk({attrs.FREQNAME: None, attrs.DIRNAME: None}) return other
[docs] def to_energy(self, standard_name="sea_surface_wave_directional_energy_spectra"): """Convert from energy density (m2/Hz/degree) into wave energy spectra (m2).""" E = self._obj * self.dfarr * self.dd E.attrs.update({"standard_name": standard_name, "units": "m^{2}"}) return E.rename("energy")
[docs] def hs(self, tail=True): """Spectral significant wave height Hm0. Args: - tail (bool): if True fit high-frequency tail before integrating spectra. """ Sf = self.oned(skipna=False) E = (Sf * self.dfarr).sum(dim=attrs.FREQNAME) if tail and Sf.freq[-1] > 0.333: E += ( 0.25 * Sf[{attrs.FREQNAME: -1}].drop_vars(attrs.FREQNAME) * Sf.freq[-1].values ) hs = 4 * np.sqrt(E) hs.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return hs.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def hmax(self): """Maximum wave height Hmax. hmax is the most probably value of the maximum individual wave height for each sea state. Note that maximum wave height can be higher (but not by much since the probability density function is rather narrow). Reference: - Holthuijsen LH (2005). Waves in oceanic and coastal waters (page 82). """ if attrs.TIMENAME in self._obj.coords and self._obj.time.size > 1: dt = np.diff(self._obj.time).astype("timedelta64[s]").mean() N = ( dt.astype(float) / self.tm02() ).round() # N is the number of waves in a sea state k = np.sqrt(0.5 * np.log(N)) else: k = 1.86 # assumes N = 3*3600 / 10.8 hmax = k * self.hs() hmax.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return hmax.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def scale_by_hs( self, expr, hs_min=-np.inf, hs_max=np.inf, tp_min=-np.inf, tp_max=np.inf, dpm_min=-np.inf, dpm_max=np.inf, ): """Scale spectra using expression based on Significant Wave Height hs. Args: - expr (str): expression to apply, e.g. '0.13*hs + 0.02'. - hs_min, hs_max, tp_min, tp_max, dpm_min, dpm_max (float): Ranges of hs, tp and dpm over which the scaling defined by `expr` is applied. """ # Scale spectra by hs expression hs = self.hs() k = (eval(expr.lower()) / hs) ** 2 scaled = k * self._obj # Condition over which scaling applies condition = True if hs_min != -np.inf or hs_max != np.inf: condition *= ((hs >= hs_min) & (hs <= hs_max)).chunk() if tp_min != -np.inf or tp_max != np.inf: tp = condition *= (tp >= tp_min) & (tp <= tp_max) if dpm_min != -np.inf or dpm_max != np.inf: dpm = self.dpm() condition *= (dpm >= dpm_min) & (dpm <= dpm_max) return scaled.where(condition, self._obj)
[docs] def tp(self, smooth=True): """Peak wave period Tp. Args: - smooth (bool): True for the smooth wave period, False for the discrete period corresponding to the maxima in the frequency spectra. """ return xrstats.peak_wave_period(self._obj, smooth=smooth)
[docs] def momf(self, mom=0): """Calculate given frequency moment.""" fp = self.freq ** mom mf = self.dfarr * fp * self._obj return self._twod(mf.sum(dim=attrs.FREQNAME, skipna=False)).rename( f"mom{mom:0.0f}" )
[docs] def momd(self, mom=0, theta=90.0): """Calculate given directional moment.""" if self.dir is None: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate momd from 1d, frequency spectra.") cp = np.cos(np.radians(180 + theta - self.dir)) ** mom sp = np.sin(np.radians(180 + theta - self.dir)) ** mom msin = (self.dd * self._obj * sp).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME, skipna=False) mcos = (self.dd * self._obj * cp).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME, skipna=False) return msin, mcos
[docs] def tm01(self): """Mean absolute wave period Tm01. True average period from the 1st spectral moment. """ tm01 = self.momf(0).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) / self.momf(1).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) tm01.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return tm01.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def tm02(self): """Mean absolute wave period Tm02. Average period of zero up-crossings (Zhang, 2011). """ tm02 = np.sqrt( self.momf(0).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) / self.momf(2).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) ) tm02.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return tm02.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def dm(self): """Mean wave direction from the 1st spectral moment Dm.""" if self.dir is None: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate dm from 1d, frequency spectra.") moms, momc = self.momd(1) dm = np.arctan2( moms.sum(dim=attrs.FREQNAME, skipna=False), momc.sum(dim=attrs.FREQNAME, skipna=False), ) dm = (270 - R2D * dm) % 360.0 dm.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return dm.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def dp(self): """Peak wave direction Dp. Defined as the direction where the energy density of the frequency-integrated spectrum is maximum. """ return xrstats.peak_wave_direction(self._obj)
[docs] def dpm(self): """Peak wave direction Dpm. Note From WW3 Manual: - peak wave direction, defined like the mean direction, using the frequency/wavenumber bin containing of the spectrum F(k) that contains the peak frequency only. """ return xrstats.mean_direction_at_peak_wave_period(self._obj)
[docs] def dspr(self): """Directional wave spreading Dspr. The one-sided directional width of the spectrum. """ if self.dir is None: raise ValueError("Cannot calculate dspr from 1d, frequency spectra.") moms, momc = self.momd(1) # Manipulate dimensions so calculations work moms = self._twod(moms, dim=attrs.DIRNAME) momc = self._twod(momc, dim=attrs.DIRNAME) mom0 = self._twod(self.momf(0), dim=attrs.FREQNAME).spec.oned(skipna=False) dspr = ( 2 * R2D ** 2 * (1 - ((moms.spec.momf() ** 2 + momc.spec.momf() ** 2) ** 0.5 / mom0)) ) ** 0.5 dspr = dspr.sum(dim=attrs.FREQNAME, skipna=False).sum( dim=attrs.DIRNAME, skipna=False ) dspr.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return dspr.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def crsd(self, theta=90.0): """Add description.""" cp = np.cos(D2R * (180 + theta - self.dir)) sp = np.sin(D2R * (180 + theta - self.dir)) crsd = (self.dd * self._obj * cp * sp).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) crsd.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return crsd.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def swe(self): """Spectral width parameter by Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins (1956). Represents the range of frequencies where the dominant energy exists. Reference: - Cartwright and Longuet-Higgins (1956). The statistical distribution of maxima of a random function. Proc. R. Soc. A237, 212-232. """ swe = ( 1.0 - self.momf(2).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) ** 2 / ( self.momf(0).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) * self.momf(4).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) ) ) ** 0.5 swe = swe.where(swe >= 0.001, 1.0) swe.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return swe.rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def sw(self, mask=np.nan): """Spectral width parameter by Longuet-Higgins (1975). Represents energy distribution over entire frequency range. Args: - mask (float): value for missing data in output Reference: - Longuet-Higgins (1975). On the joint distribution of the periods and amplitudes of sea waves. JGR, 80, 2688-2694. """ sw = ( self.momf(0).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) * self.momf(2).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) / self.momf(1).sum(dim=attrs.DIRNAME) ** 2 - 1.0 ) ** 0.5 sw.attrs.update( { "standard_name": self._standard_name(self._my_name()), "units": self._units(self._my_name()), } ) return sw.where(self.hs() >= 0.001).fillna(mask).rename(self._my_name())
[docs] def celerity(self, depth=None): """Wave celerity C from frequency coords. Args: - depth (float): Water depth, use deep water approximation by default. Returns; - C: ndarray of same shape as freq with wave celerity for each frequency. """ C = celerity(freq=self.freq, depth=depth) = "celerity" return C
[docs] def wavelen(self, depth=None): """Wavelength L from frequency coords. Args: - depth (float): Water depth, use deep water approximation by default. Returns; - L: ndarray of same shape as freq with wavelength for each frequency. """ L = wavelen(freq=self.freq, depth=depth) = "wavelength" return L
[docs] @deprecated( "spec.partition will become a namespace in **4.0.0**, " "use spec.partion.ptm1() instead for equivalent functionality." ) def partition( self, wsp_darr, wdir_darr, dep_darr, swells=3, agefac=1.7, wscut=0.3333, ): """Partition wave spectra using Hanson's watershed algorithm. This method is not lazy, make sure array will fit into memory. Args: - wsp_darr (DataArray): wind speed (m/s). - wdir_darr (DataArray): Wind direction (degree). - dep_darr (DataArray): Water depth (m). - swells (int): Number of swell partitions to compute. - agefac (float): Age factor. - wscut (float): Wind speed cutoff. Returns: - part_spec (SpecArray): partitioned spectra with one extra dimension representig partition number. Note: - Input DataArrays must have same non-spectral dims as SpecArray. References: - Hanson, Jeffrey L., et al. "Pacific hindcast performance of three numerical wave models." JTECH 26.8 (2009): 1614-1633. """ from wavespectra.core.watershed import partition # Assert expected dimensions are defined if not {attrs.FREQNAME, attrs.DIRNAME}.issubset(self._obj.dims): raise ValueError(f"(freq, dir) dims required, only found {self._obj.dims}") for darr in (wsp_darr, wdir_darr, dep_darr): if set(darr.dims) != self._non_spec_dims: raise ValueError( f"{} dims {list(darr.dims)} need matching " f"non-spectral dims in SpecArray {self._non_spec_dims}" ) return partition( dset=self._obj, wspd=wsp_darr, wdir=wdir_darr, dpt=dep_darr, swells=swells, agefac=agefac, wscut=wscut, )
[docs] def stats(self, stats, fmin=None, fmax=None, dmin=None, dmax=None, names=None): """Calculate multiple spectral stats into a Dataset. Args: - stats (list): strings specifying stats to be calculated. (dict): keys are stats names, vals are dicts with kwargs to use with corresponding method. - fmin (float): lower frequencies for splitting spectra before calculating stats. - fmax (float): upper frequencies for splitting spectra before calculating stats. - dmin (float): lower directions for splitting spectra before calculating stats. - dmax (float): upper directions for splitting spectra before calculating stats. - names (list): strings to rename each stat in output Dataset. Returns: - Dataset with all spectral statistics specified. Note: - All stats names must correspond to methods implemented in this class. - If names is provided, its length must correspond to the length of stats. """ if any((fmin, fmax, dmin, dmax)): spectra = self.split(fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, dmin=dmin, dmax=dmax) else: spectra = self._obj if isinstance(stats, (list, tuple)): stats_dict = {s: {} for s in stats} elif isinstance(stats, dict): stats_dict = stats else: raise ValueError("stats must be either a container or a dictionary") names = names or stats_dict.keys() if len(names) != len(stats_dict): raise ValueError( "length of names does not correspond to the number of stats" ) params = list() for func, kwargs in stats_dict.items(): try: stats_func = getattr(spectra.spec, func) except AttributeError as err: raise ValueError( "%s is not implemented as a method in %s" % (func, self.__class__.__name__) ) from err if callable(stats_func): params.append(stats_func(**kwargs)) else: raise ValueError( "%s attribute of %s is not callable" % (func, self.__class__.__name__) ) return xr.merge(params).rename(dict(zip(stats_dict.keys(), names)))
[docs] def interp(self, freq=None, dir=None, maintain_m0=True): """Interpolate onto new spectral basis. Args: - freq (DataArray, 1darray): Frequencies of interpolated spectra (Hz). - dir (DataArray, 1darray): Directions of interpolated spectra (deg). - maintain_m0 (bool): Ensure variance is conserved in interpolated spectra. Returns: - dsi (DataArray): Regridded spectra. Note: - All freq below lowest freq are interpolated assuming :math:`E_d(f=0)=0`. - :math:`Ed(f)` is set to zero for new freq above the highest freq in dset. - Only the 'linear' method is currently supported. """ return regrid_spec(self._obj, freq, dir, maintain_m0=maintain_m0)
[docs] def interp_like(self, other, maintain_m0=True): """Interpolate onto coordinates from other spectra. Args: - other (Dataset, DataArray): Spectra defining new spectral basis. - maintain_m0 (bool): Ensure variance is conserved in interpolated spectra. Returns: - dsi (DataArray): Regridded spectra. """ freq = getattr(other.spec, attrs.FREQNAME) dir = getattr(other.spec, attrs.DIRNAME) return self.interp(freq=freq, dir=dir, maintain_m0=maintain_m0)
[docs] def plot( self, kind="contourf", normalised=True, logradius=True, as_period=False, rmin=None, rmax=None, show_theta_labels=True, show_radii_labels=True, radii_ticks=None, radii_labels_angle=22.5, radii_labels_size=8, cbar_ticks=CBAR_TICKS, cmap="RdBu_r", extend="neither", efth_min=1e-3, **kwargs ): """Plot spectra in polar axis. Args: - kind (str): Plot kind, one of (`contourf`, `contour`, `pcolormesh`). - normalised (bool): Show efth normalised between 0 and 1. - logradius (bool): Set log radii. - as_period (bool): Set radii as wave period instead of frequency. - rmin (float): Minimum value to clip the radius axis. - rmax (float): Maximum value to clip the radius axis. - show_theta_labels (bool): Show direction tick labels. - show_radii_labels (bool): Show radii tick labels. - radii_ticks (array): Tick values for radii. - radii_labels_angle (float): Polar angle at which radii labels are positioned. - radii_labels_size (float): Fontsize for radii labels. - cbar_ticks (array): Tick values for colorbar. - cmap (str, obj): Colormap to use. - efth_min (float): Clip energy density below this value. - kwargs: All extra kwargs are passed to the plotting method defined by `kind`. Returns: - pobj: The xarray object returned by calling `da.plot.{kind}(**kwargs)`. Note: - If normalised==True, contourf uses a logarithmic colour scale by default. - Plot and axes can be redefined from the returned xarray object. - Xarray uses the `sharex`, `sharey` args to control which panels receive axis labels. In order to set labels for all panels, set these to `False`. - Masking of low values can be done in contourf by setting `efth_min` larger than the lowest contour level along with `extend` set to "neither" or "min". """ return polar_plot( darr=self._obj.copy(deep=True), kind=kind, normalised=normalised, logradius=logradius, as_period=as_period, rmin=rmin, rmax=rmax, show_theta_labels=show_theta_labels, show_radii_labels=show_radii_labels, radii_ticks=radii_ticks, radii_labels_angle=radii_labels_angle, radii_labels_size=radii_labels_size, cbar_ticks=cbar_ticks, cmap=cmap, extend=extend, efth_min=efth_min, **kwargs )