Source code for wavespectra.input.ncswan

"""Read Native SWAN netCDF spectra files."""
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np

from wavespectra.specdataset import SpecDataset
from wavespectra.core.attributes import attrs, set_spec_attributes
from wavespectra.core.utils import uv_to_spddir
from wavespectra.input import open_netcdf_or_zarr, to_keep

R2D = 180 / np.pi

    "time": attrs.TIMENAME,
    "frequency": attrs.FREQNAME,
    "direction": attrs.DIRNAME,
    "points": attrs.SITENAME,
    "density": attrs.SPECNAME,
    "longitude": attrs.LONNAME,
    "latitude": attrs.LATNAME,
    "depth": attrs.DEPNAME,

[docs] def read_ncswan(filename_or_fileglob, file_format="netcdf", mapping=MAPPING, chunks={}): """Read Spectra from SWAN native netCDF format. Args: - filename_or_fileglob (str, list, fileobj): filename, fileglob specifying multiple files, or a file object to read. - file_format (str): format of file to open, one of `netcdf` or `zarr`. - mapping (dict): coordinates mapping from original dataset to wavespectra. - chunks (dict): chunk sizes for dimensions in dataset. By default dataset is loaded using single chunk for all dimensions (see xr.open_mfdataset documentation). Returns: - dset (SpecDataset): spectra dataset object read from ww3 file. Note: - If file is large to fit in memory, consider specifying chunks for 'time' and/or 'station' dims. """ dset = open_netcdf_or_zarr( filename_or_fileglob=filename_or_fileglob, file_format=file_format, mapping=mapping, chunks=chunks, ) return from_ncswan(dset)
def from_ncswan(dset): """Format SWAN netcdf dataset to receive wavespectra accessor. Args:o dset (xr.Dataset): Dataset created from a SWAN netcdf file. Returns: Formated dataset with the SpecDataset accessor in the `spec` namespace. """ dset = dset.rename(MAPPING) # Ensuring lon,lat are not function of time if attrs.TIMENAME in dset[attrs.LONNAME].dims: dset = dset.assign({ attrs.LONNAME: dset[attrs.LONNAME].isel(drop=True, **{attrs.TIMENAME: 0}), attrs.LATNAME: dset[attrs.LATNAME].isel(drop=True, **{attrs.TIMENAME: 0}) }) # Calculating wind speeds and directions if "xwnd" in dset and "ywnd" in dset: dset[attrs.WSPDNAME], dset[attrs.WDIRNAME] = uv_to_spddir( dset["xwnd"], dset["ywnd"], coming_from=True ) # Only selected variables to be returned to_drop = list(set(dset.data_vars.keys()) - to_keep) # Converting from radians dset[attrs.SPECNAME] /= R2D if attrs.DIRNAME in dset: dset = dset.assign_coords({attrs.DIRNAME: (dset[attrs.DIRNAME] * R2D) % 360}) # Ensure site is a coordinate if attrs.SITENAME in dset.dims and attrs.SITENAME not in dset.coords: dset[attrs.SITENAME] = np.arange(1, len(dset[attrs.SITENAME]) + 1) # Setting standard attributes set_spec_attributes(dset) return dset.drop_vars(to_drop)