Source code for wavespectra.core.npstats

"""Wave spectra stats on numpy arrays sourced by apply_ufuncs."""
import numpy as np
from numba import guvectorize

from wavespectra.core.utils import D2R, R2D

[docs] def hs(spectrum, freq, dir, tail=True): """Significant wave height Hmo. Args: - spectrum (2darray): wave spectrum array. - freq (1darray): wave frequency array. - dir (1darray): wave direction array. - tail (bool): if True fit high-frequency tail before integrating spectra. """ df = abs(freq[1:] - freq[:-1]) if len(dir) > 1: ddir = abs(dir[1] - dir[0]) E = ddir * spectrum.sum(1) else: E = np.squeeze(spectrum) Etot = 0.5 * sum(df * (E[1:] + E[:-1])) if tail and freq[-1] > 0.333: Etot += 0.25 * E[-1] * freq[-1] return 4.0 * np.sqrt(Etot)
@guvectorize( "(int64, float64[:], float64[:], float32[:])", "(), (n), (n) -> ()", nopython=True, target="parallel", cache=True, forceobj=True, ) def dpm_gufunc(ipeak, momsin, momcos, out): """Mean direction at the peak wave period Dpm. Args: - ipeak (int): Index of the maximum energy density in the frequency spectrum E(f). - momsin (1darray): Sin component of the 1st directional moment. - momcos (1darray): Cos component of the 1st directional moment. Returns: - dpm (float): Mean direction at the frequency peak of the spectrum. """ if not ipeak: out[0] = np.nan else: dpm = np.arctan2(momsin[ipeak], momcos[ipeak]) out[0] = np.float32((270 - R2D * dpm) % 360.) @guvectorize( "(int64, float32[:], float32[:])", "(), (n) -> ()", nopython=True, target="parallel", cache=True, forceobj=True, ) def dp_gufunc(ipeak, dir, out): """Peak wave direction Dp. Args: - ipeak (int): Index of the maximum energy density in the frequency spectrum E(f). - dir (1darray): Wave direction array. Returns: - dp (float): Direction of the maximum energy density in the frequency-integrated spectrum. """ out[0] = np.float32(dir[ipeak]) @guvectorize( "(int64, float64[:], float32[:], float32[:])", "(), (n), (n) -> ()", nopython=True, target="parallel", cache=True, forceobj=True, ) def tps_gufunc(ipeak, spectrum, freq, out): """Smooth peak wave period Tp. Args: - ipeak (int): Index of the maximum energy density in frequency spectrum E(f). - spectrum (1darray): Direction-integrated wave spectrum array E(f). - freq (1darray): Wave frequency array. Returns: - tp (float): Period of the maximum energy density in the smooth spectrum. Note: - The smooth peak period is the peak of a parabolic fit around the spectral peak. It is the period commonly defined in SWAN and WW3 model output. """ if not ipeak: out[0] = np.nan else: f1 = freq[ipeak - 1] f2 = freq[ipeak] f3 = freq[ipeak + 1] e1 = spectrum[ipeak - 1] e2 = spectrum[ipeak] e3 = spectrum[ipeak + 1] s12 = f1 + f2 q12 = (e1 - e2) / (f1 - f2) q13 = (e1 - e3) / (f1 - f3) qa = (q13 - q12) / (f3 - f2) fp = (s12 - q12 / qa) / 2.0 out[0] = np.float32(1.0 / fp) @guvectorize( "(int64, float64[:], float32[:], float32[:])", "(), (n), (n) -> ()", nopython=True, target="parallel", cache=True, forceobj=True, ) def tp_gufunc(ipeak, spectrum, freq, out): """Peak wave period Tp. Args: - ipeak (int): Index of the maximum energy density in frequency spectrum E(f). - spectrum (1darray): Frequency wave spectrum array E(f). - freq (1darray): Wave frequency array. Returns: - tp (float): Period of the maximum energy density in the frequency spectrum. Note: - Arg spectrum is only defined so the signature is consistent with tps function. """ if not ipeak: out[0] = np.nan else: out[0] = np.float32(1.0 / freq[ipeak])