Source code for wavespectra.construct.helpers

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from typing_extensions import deprecated

from wavespectra.core.attributes import attrs, set_spec_attributes

[docs] @deprecated( "All functions and classes in `wavespectra.construct` will be replaced in " "**4.0.0** by a new spectral reconstruction api.", ) def spread(dp_matrix, dspr_matrix, dirs): """Generic spreading function. Args: dp_matrix: dspr_matrix: dirs: Returns: G1: Note: Function defined such that \\int{G1 d\\theta}=1* """ adirs = np.array(dirs).reshape((1, -1)) pidirs = np.deg2rad(270.0 - np.array(adirs)) st1 = np.sin(0.5 * np.deg2rad(270.0 - dp_matrix)) ct1 = np.cos(0.5 * np.deg2rad(270.0 - dp_matrix)) a = np.maximum(np.cos(0.5 * pidirs) * ct1 + np.sin(0.5 * pidirs) * st1, 0.0) G1 = a ** (2.0 * dspr_matrix) G1 /= np.expand_dims(G1.sum(axis=-1) * abs(dirs[1] - dirs[0]), axis=-1) return G1
[docs] @deprecated( "All functions and classes in `wavespectra.construct` will be replaced in " "**4.0.0** by a new spectral reconstruction api.", ) def arrange_inputs(*args): """Check all inputs are same shape and add frequency and direction dims.""" argout = [] shape0 = np.array(args[0]).shape for arg in args: argm = np.array(arg) if argm.shape == () and shape0 != (): # Broadcast scalar across matrix argm = arg * np.ones(shape0) elif argm.shape != shape0: raise Exception("Input shapes must be the same") argout.append(argm[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) return argout
[docs] @deprecated( "All functions and classes in `wavespectra.construct` will be replaced in " "**4.0.0** by a new spectral reconstruction api.", ) def make_dataset(spec, freqs, dirs, coordinates=[]): """Package spectral matrix to xarray. Args: spec: freqs: dirs: coordinates: Returns: dset: SpecDset object """ coords = tuple(coordinates) + ((attrs.FREQNAME, freqs), (attrs.DIRNAME, dirs)) dimensions = tuple([c[0] for c in coords]) dset = xr.DataArray( data=spec, coords=coords, dims=dimensions, name=attrs.SPECNAME ).to_dataset() set_spec_attributes(dset) return dset
[docs] @deprecated( "All functions and classes in wavespectra.construct will be replaced in " "**4.0.0** by a new spectral reconstruction api.", ) def check_coordinates(param, coordinates): """Check coordinates are consistent with parameter. Args: param: coordinates: """ pshape = np.array(param).shape if len(pshape) != len(coordinates): raise Exception("Incorrect number of coordinates for parameter") for idim, dim in enumerate(pshape): if dim != len(coordinates[idim][1]): raise Exception( "Dimension of coordinate %s at position %d does not match parameter" % (coordinates[idim][0], dim) )